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Before & Aftercare


- Avoid going to a tanning bed two weeks prior to treatment. This practice should be discontinued due to the increased risk of skin cancer and signs of aging.
- Waxing/threading or use depilatory creams for 7 days prior.
- Cosmetic injections for 2 weeks before and after treatments.
- Refrain use of Tretinoin, Retin-A, Renova, Differin, Tazorac, Avage, EpiDuo, Ziana and high-percentage AHA and BHA products for approximately 7 days prior to treatment. Consult your Physician before temporarily discontinuing use of any prescription medications.
- PLEASE REMOVE ANY FACIAL PIERCINGS (otherwise we will just go around them)


After treatment, your skin will be vulnerable. It will be especially sensitive for 3 days to a week after treatment. To take care of your skin, it is important you follow the simple aftercare advice we give you. Post-treatment guidelines include:
- You may feel slight itchiness or a stinging sensation for the first 24 hrs after treatment. This is perfectly normal
- Avoid make-up for 24-48 hrs after treatment for best results
- Avoid chlorine for 24 hours
- Avoid facial waxing for 7 days 
- Avoid Dermal Fillers or Botox for 2 to 4 weeks
- Avoid excessive heat for 3 days after treatment (i.e. heavy workouts, steam rooms or saunas, etc.)
- Avoid the use of exfoliating scrubs for at least one week after treatment
- Avoid direct sunlight and wear SPF 30-50 when outside for 1 to 2 weeks following the treatment as your skin may be more sensitive.
- Do not have any other facial treatment for two weeks after treatment.
- Skincare Routine: When washing your face, use a gentle, approved cleanser. Rinse skin gently (with water only) and pat dry (NO rubbing). Avoid harsh cleansers or washcloths
- Warning signs of problems include: severe redness, swelling, blistering, ulcers, pain, or signs of infection. Notify us immediately if you see these.

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